Great Oral Health Contributes To Your Healthy Pregnancy

HELP PROTECT YOUR BABY by being especially aware of your dental health while you’re pregnant...

Could Bad Breath Suggest A More Serious Problem?

DOES YOUR BREATH STINK? Do you know if your breath stinks? What...

At Every Age, Saliva Plays A Critical Role In Your Oral Health

YOU PROBABLY DON’T OFTEN THINK ABOUT YOUR SPIT (frankly, we’d be a little worried...

How About Some Tooth Trivia?

DID YOU KNOW THAT THE STERN-FACED FARMER that American artist Grant Wood used as the model for his famous painting American Gothic...

Vacationing? Be Prepared For Dental Emergencies

PICTURE THIS: YOU AND YOUR FAMILY HAVE BACKPACKED to a gorgeous mountain lake. You’re about to...

June is Migraine Awareness Month

FOR MIGRAINE SUFFERERS, IT MAY SEEM AS THOUGH there are only two options—either suffer in silence...